About Me

My name is Kristine and I'm addicted to organizing, designing, and cleaning my home. Whew, there I admitted it. Ok, I don't exactly enjoy cleaning in itself but I love the feeling it leaves behind and the opportunities for a organized home it brings! 

I am the wife of one amazing man, Kurt and his helper with whatever he ventures into. He's a family life minister here in southern Ohio. He works with jr. high and sr. high kids plus does all things adult education, small groups, and pretty much everything else! 

When I'm not running around with church things, you can bet I'm running around with my crazy two year old, Kaden. He is the fastest and most destructive little man but he is also the sweetest and cutest and has me wrapped around his finger.

This blog is here to offer some real life design and organizational tips. This is just my journey to a better house. I figure the more organized my house is, the more time I can spend with the important things- my husband and baby. Take this journey with me! Feel free to leave comments, feedback, or even questions to prayingforacleanhouse@gmail.com

Thanks for stopping by!